about the railway


The Victorian Goldfields Railway (VGR) is a remnant of the extensive branch line railway system that serviced rural Victoria from around 1880 through to the 1970’s. Branch line railways, radiating from the main lines, reached into sparsely populated regions, providing transport for farm produce, tapping the natural resources and promoting the settlement of new areas.

The line from Castlemaine brought rail connection to Maldon and Muckleford, achieving the aim of providing transport and communication to these isolated areas. With time the value of the branch line railway waned as the increased use of road motor transport reduced the isolation of rural areas. The Maldon Railway, no longer a vital link, outlived its usefulness and like the other ‘light’ lines of Victoria, closure and dismantling appeared to be the only prospect.

Closure came, but through the efforts of volunteers the line has taken on a new life as a heritage railway, enabling the visitor to see, hear and participate in an active steam railway from the era of the branch line.



The main Melbourne-Bendigo line reached Castlemaine in October 1862 with a branch to Maryborough (from Castlemaine) under construction soon after.

As work progressed on the Maryborough line the citizens of Maldon started to press for their own railway. By the time the Castlemaine-Maryborough line opened (July 1874) they were petitioning their parliamentarians with demands for railway connection to further open up land in their district.

In 1876 a preliminary survey was undertaken for a railway from Castlemaine to Maldon and on to Newbridge. In 1881, Parliament authorized a number of new lines including a 10 mile (16 kilometre) branch from Maldon Junction (about 1 km from Castlemaine on the Maryborough line) to Maldon. In August 1882 the contract was let for the construction of the Maldon line to A. Nicholls and Co. The line opened for traffic on 16th June 1884.


Bushfire damage to several bridges in 1969 resulted in official closure of the Maldon – Shelbourne Extension in 1970. With the closing of the Shelbourne extension little reason remained for keeping the Castlemaine – Maldon line open. The Maldon line officially closed in December 1976.


Even prior to the closure of the Maldon Line preservation moves were underway. The rapid demise of the branch lines throughout Victoria dictated that preservation of at least one line was vital. The choice would be governed by two main considerations, firstly the suitability of the line for restoration and ongoing maintenance by a volunteer workforce and secondly the line’s potential as a tourist attraction.

Under this criteria the Castlemaine to Maldon branch line presented itself as most suitable. Within the same month as the official closure of the line, the Castlemaine & Maldon Railway Preservation Society was formed at a meeting held at Maldon.

With membership drawn from both rail enthusiasts and local residents the Society set about the task of securing the line, obtaining rolling stock, gaining legislative changes to permit the operation of the line as a tourist railway and seeking financial support. Progress was slow through the early years.

Track restoration commenced at the Maldon end with the line between Maldon Station and the Bendigo Road Crossing available for trains by Easter 1986.

Reopened in Stages

The official re-opening was on Easter Saturday, 29th March 1986. Trains operated between the Station and the Bendigo Road, a distance of about 1 kilometre only, with the engine pushing the train out from Maldon and pulling it back in.

As track restoration progressed the trip length increased. By Easter 1996 Muckleford was reached. The track at Muckleford had been re-laid, the platform road and the points in heavier rail and the station platform reinstated. The loop siding enables the locomotive to ‘run-around’ its train and so haul the train in both directions of the journey.

With funding from the State and Federal Governments restoration of the 8 kilometre section of line between Muckleford and Castlemaine was commenced in 2001. The works in this section included relaying the track and extensive repairs to the one iron and five timber bridges. Work at Castlemaine reconnected the West Yard, reinstated the locomotive turntable and upgraded the mechanical signaling in the West Yard.

The first VGR train to Castlemaine Station ran on Saturday the 18th December 2004 and public trains commenced the following day. The Official Opening into Castlemaine was on the 20th March 2005.

Source: Reproduced with the kind permission of The Castlemaine & Maldon Railway Preservation Society. Visit for the full history of the Victorian Goldfields Railway.



The Castlemaine & Maldon Railway Preservation Society (CMRPS)

Following closure of the Maldon Railway in December, 1976 an unincorporated body known as the Castlemaine & Maldon Railway Preservation Society was formed with the purpose of preserving, restoring and operating the line as a Tourist Railway capturing the steam era of the Victorian Branchline Railway. The Society was incorporated as a not-for-profit company in 1980.

The CMRPS has adopted the trading name ‘Victorian Goldfields Railway” for the tourist train operation and has a membership of more than 300.

From the membership is drawn the volunteer workers and much of the financial support necessary for the ongoing development of the VGR.

How you can help

By becoming a Member you support the work of the Society through your annual subscription.

By becoming a Volunteer you will help keep the Railway operating and contribute to the preservation of the unique range of rollingstock and infrastructure.



The Victorian Goldfields Railway was restored by, and is operated and maintained by the Volunteers of the Castlemaine & Maldon Railway Preservation Society. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Victorian Goldfields Railway.

Station Masters, Booking Officers, Locomotive Drivers and Firemen, Train Guards, Conductors, Signalmen, Station Masters, Booking Officers, Sales Staff, Catering Personnel, Repair Shop Workers, Track Workers and Maintenance Staff are all volunteers.

The Society Directors are volunteers as well as many appointed positions within the railway.

With only a small number of part-time employees, the Society relies on the Volunteer workforce to keep the railway in operation.

If you would like to help run the VGR or would like more information please contact us at or ring (03) 5470 6658.


To book a seat on any of the Train services, please visit the VGR website.

Please note, the train has the capacity to accommodate 250 passengers and 100 bikes so get in early to secure your spot.